Melchsee-Frutt sports railroads

In winter, the Melchsee-Frutt sports lifts offer 16 modern lifts, giving you access to 36 kilometers of perfectly groomed pistes. The region also remains attractive in summer: the Stöckalp - Melchsee-Frutt gondola lift, the Distelboden - Bonistock aerial tramway and the panorama lift are all in operation. In addition, the Frutt train provides a convenient connection between Melchsee-Frutt and Tannalp. Experience the mountain world at any time of year. Comfortable and varied.

December 21, 2024 to April 6, 2025

Winter season

Operating information

Open systems and snow report

Get all the information about the currently open lifts and the current piste conditions at a glance. Always stay well informed about snow depths, weather conditions and which lifts and pistes are in operation so that you can plan your day in the mountains in the best possible way.

Operating information

Open systems and snow report

Get all the information about the currently open lifts and the current piste conditions at a glance. Always stay well informed about snow depths, weather conditions and which lifts and pistes are in operation so that you can plan your day in the mountains in the best possible way.

Click here
Operating information

Open systems and snow report

Get all the information about the currently open lifts and the current piste conditions at a glance. Always stay well informed about snow depths, weather conditions and which lifts and pistes are in operation so that you can plan your day in the mountains in the best possible way.

Click here

Piste map

Get an overview of the Melchsee-Frutt winter sports area. The piste map not only shows all the ski slopes, but also the cross-country ski trails, toboggan runs, snowshoe tours, winter hiking trails and much more. Discover the many opportunities for sport and recreation in the snow - there's something for every winter lover.


Piste map

Get an overview of the Melchsee-Frutt winter sports area. The piste map not only shows all the ski slopes, but also the cross-country ski trails, toboggan runs, snowshoe tours, winter hiking trails and much more. Discover the many opportunities for sport and recreation in the snow - there is something for every winter lover.

Click here

Piste map

Get an overview of the Melchsee-Frutt winter sports area. The piste map not only shows all the ski slopes, but also the cross-country ski trails, toboggan runs, snowshoe tours, winter hiking trails and much more. Discover the many opportunities for sport and recreation in the snow - there is something for every winter lover.

Click here


Sports passes

Experience unlimited winter sports fun. 16 modern transport facilities provide access to 36 kilometers of slopes, nestled in the breathtaking mountain landscape of Melchsee-Frutt. Enjoy the freedom and variety of this ski area. Perfect for beginners, advanced skiers and families.

Cross-country ski passes

On Melchsee-Frutt, 15 kilometers of trails await you, winding through a picturesque winter landscape. Enjoy a unique cross-country skiing experience at almost 2,000 m above sea level.

Sledging passes

Experience tobogganing fun on Melchsee-Frutt. Modern cable car facilities and an 8-kilometre-long toboggan run ensure an unforgettable experience for young and old. The route leads from the Melchsee-Frutt mountain station to the Stöckalp valley station, covering an altitude difference of almost 1,000 meters.

Hiking passes

With the hiking pass, you can explore the high plateau in a relaxed way on foot. Whether on snowshoes or the wonderful winter hiking trails - the snow-covered mountain landscape awaits you.

Evening menu

Experience the longest floodlit toboggan run in Switzerland. Every Friday and Saturday evening, from 3 December 2025 to 8 March 2025, a unique night-time tobogganing experience awaits you on the 8-kilometre-long, fully illuminated run.

Single and return trips

Here you will find an overview of the fares for single and return trips on the gondola lift and aerial tramway.

Group prices

Groups of 10 or more benefit from a reduced rate on single trips or day tickets when paying together - perfect for winter excursions and group experiences.


Operating hours

Winter season from December 21, 2024 to April 6, 2025


Stöckalp - Melchsee-Frutt
Montag bis Donnerstag: 08:25 – 17:30 Uhr
Freitag: 08:25 – 17:30 / 19:00 – 20:00*, Nachtfahrt um 21:15 Uhr
Samstag: 08:00 – 17:30 / 19:00 – 20:00*, Nachtfahrt um 21:15 Uhr
Sonntag, allg. Feiertage: 08:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Freitag, Samstag: 19:00 – 21:30 Uhr
in der Nachtschlittelsaison ab 3. Januar 2025 bis 8. März 2025
Sesselbahn CheselenTäglich: 08:30 – 16:00 Uhr
Sesselbahn JästTäglich: 08:30 – 16:05 Uhr
Sesselbahn BonistockTäglich: 08:45 – 16:15 Uhr
Sesselbahn ErzeggTäglich: 08:45 – 16:00 Uhr
Distelboden - Bonistock
Bergfahrten (alle 20 Minuten): 08:40 – 16:20 Uhr
Talfahrten (alle 20 Minuten): 08:45 – 16:25 Uhr
Bei grossem Gästeaufkommen durchgehender Betrieb.
Verbindungslift MelchseeTäglich (kostenlos): 08:30 – 16:30 Uhr
PanoramaliftTäglich (kostenlos): 00:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Skilift BalmereggTäglich: 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Skilift VogelbüelTäglich: 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Kleinkinderlift im Fruttli-LandTäglich (kostenlos): 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Skilift BettenalpNur in Betrieb bei Bedarf: 09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Rücktransport Fruttli-Land
Täglich (kostenlos): 09:00 – 16:30 Uhr
SchneetaxiMontag bis Sonntag: 08:20 – 17:00 Uhr
Freitag und Samstag nur auf Voranmeldung bis Mittags (041 669 70 55):
18:45 – 19:45 Uhr, je nach Witterung kann aus Sicherheitsgründen der Taxibetrieb eingestellt werden. Das Taxi bietet Platz für 9 Personen.
ErzeggTäglich: 08:45 ‒ 16:15 Uhr
BalmereggTäglich: 09:00 ‒ 16:15 Uhr
VogelbüelTäglich: 09:00 ‒ 16:15 Uhr
Bonistock - StöckalpTäglich: 08:30 ‒ 16:30 (17:00)* Uhr
Melchsee-Frutt - StöckalpTäglich: 08:00 ‒ 17:00 (17:30)* Uhr
*ab 01. Februar 

Melchsee-Frutt - StöckalpTäglich: 08:00 ‒ 17:00 (17:30)* Uhr
 *ab 01. Februar

Nachtschlitteln ab 03. Januar 2025 bis 08. März 2025
Melchsee-Frutt - StöckalpFreitag und Samstag: 19:00 ‒ 22:00 Uhr

June 15 to October 20, 2024

Summer season

Operating information

Open systems

Here you will find up-to-date information on operating times and the lifts that are open in summer. Find out which lifts are in operation and plan your excursion into the summery mountain world of Melchsee-Frutt.

Operating information

Open systems

Here you will find up-to-date information on operating times and the lifts that are open in summer. Find out which lifts are in operation and plan your excursion into the summery mountain world of Melchsee-Frutt.

Click here
Operating information

Open systems

Here you will find up-to-date information on operating times and the lifts that are open in summer. Find out which lifts are in operation and plan your excursion into the summery mountain world of Melchsee-Frutt.

Click here

Panoramic map

Get an overview of the many possibilities on the Melchsee-Frutt high plateau. From hiking trails and bike routes to a climbing garden, playground and much more - there's something for everyone here.


Panoramic map

Get an overview of the many possibilities on the Melchsee-Frutt high plateau. From hiking trails and bike routes to a climbing garden, playground and much more - there's something for everyone here.

Click here

Panoramic map

Get an overview of the many possibilities on the Melchsee-Frutt high plateau. From hiking trails and bike routes to a climbing garden, playground and much more - there's something for everyone here.

Click here

Operating hours

Summer season from June 15 to October 20, 2024

Stöckalp - Melchsee-Frutt gondola lift

Monday to Friday: 08:25 - 12:20 and 13:20 - 17:20
continuous operation with high frequency.

Saturday to Sunday and public holidays:
08:25 - 12:20 and 13:20 - 17:20 as well as one descent at 17:50
continuous operation with high frequency.

Monday to Sunday:

Uphill trips (every 30 minutes): 09:25 - 12:25 and 13:25 - 16:25

Downhill trips (every 30 minutes): 09:30 - 12:00 and 13:15/ 13:30 - 16:30

continuous operation with high frequency.
Operation may be suspended in bad weather.

The Frutt train runs from Monday to Sunday between the old mountain station - Dörfli - Panoramalift - chapel - Distelboden - Tannendamm - Tannensee - Fachshubel and Tannalp.

Old mountain station from:
09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00

Berggasthaus Tannalp from:
09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30

Supplementary trips every 30 minutes are possible in busy periods.

Monday to Sunday: 00:00 - 24:00

ab Sarnenab Kerns, Postab Talstation Stöckalp
07.44 Uhr07.50 Uhr08.40 Uhr
08.44 Uhr08.50 Uhr09.40 Uhr
09.44 Uhr09.50 Uhr10.40 Uhr
10.44 Uhr10.50 Uhr11.40 Uhr
11.44 Uhr11.50 Uhr12.40 Uhr
12.44 Uhr12.50 Uhr13.40 Uhr
13.44 Uhr13.50 Uhr14.40 Uhr
14.44 Uhr14.50 Uhr15.40 Uhr
15.44 Uhr15.50 Uhr16.40 Uhr
16.44 Uhr16.50 Uhr17.40 Uhr


Day tickets, single and return trips

Here you will find all prices for day tickets as well as single and return trips with the Stöckalp - Melchsee-Frutt cable car, the Distelboden - Bonistock aerial tramway and the Frutt train.

Group prices

Groups of 10 people or more benefit from a reduced price. The group rates apply when paying together. Perfect for unforgettable group experiences in summer.

RailAway Ticket

With the RailAway combined offer, you benefit from a 10% discount on your journey by public transport and on the mountain railroads to the Four Lakes high-altitude hike. This hike from Engelberg to Melchsee-Frutt is one of the classic high-altitude hikes.


Excerpt from the history of the Melchsee-Frutt sports railroads

The history of Melchsee-Frutt Bahnen began in 1935 with the construction of the longest aerial cableway in Switzerland at the time from Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt, built by Otto Reinhard. Over the following decades, the region developed into a popular excursion and winter sports destination. The first Erzegg ski lift followed in 1951. In 1957, a new aerial cableway from Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt with cabins for 33 people was put into operation. The infrastructure grew continuously, including the opening of new ski lifts and hotels.

In 1976, the Stöckalp-Melchsee-Frutt aerial tramway was replaced with a gondola lift system and modernization continued, for example with the new 15-passenger gondola lift in 2012 and the expansion of snowmaking facilities. Today, the area offers a wide range of leisure activities in summer and winter, and new developments such as the Fruttli Trail (2017) and the "Uf dr Wildi" playground (2020) make it particularly family-friendly.

Further information on Melchsee-Frutt over the centuries

Melchsee-Frutt sports railroads
