Seminars with a WOW experience

Seminar hotels
in the heart of Switzerland

Pleasantly far away from everyday working life and yet quickly accessible - this is how the seminar offer in Obwalden can be summarized. After all, the central Swiss canton surrounds the center of Switzerland, which reduces the journey from many company locations to less than an hour.

But the highlight here are six charming, incomparable and personally managed hotels with a colorful range of special experiences, thanks to which planning the supporting program is child's play.

There's no shortage of fresh air to clear your head and space. We would be happy to show you how we can make your seminars, conferences, banquets, training courses, meetings, workshops and incentives a success in a personal meeting.

We look forward to meeting you!

Your Obwalden seminar hotels

Seehotel Wilerbad

When was the last time you stayed in a hotel that really knows how to appeal to all five senses of its guests? Coupled with the personal support of seminar professional Carole Moser, Lake Sarnen is home to one of the most inspiring hotels in Central Switzerland.

Nothing less than the claim to be the modern platform for your visions is at the center of the seminar offer with 12 rooms in the categories "small", "large" and "huge". The popularity of the "Brilliant" seminar room on the roof with its inspiring (and Instagram-worthy) views is second to none.

The seminar offering is complemented by a generous 1,300 square meters of spa space, which exudes luxury in a relaxed manner. It is rounded off by the culinary offerings of a passionate kitchen crew, which moves with ease between classic specialties, seasonal dishes and Thai cuisine.

Incidentally, the collaboration with "myclimate" began in April 2021.

The emissions caused by traveling to and from the seminars are offset by numerous myclimate projects.

Hotel room

  • 57 rooms
  • 2 Spa junior suites
  • 2 Spa Superior

12 modern seminar rooms from 15m² to 229m²
for events from 5 to 180 people

  • Panorama Seminarraum Brillant
  • Modernes Spa auf 1’300 m²
  • Terrasse mit einzigartiger Aussicht auf See und Berge

Seehotel Wilerbad
Wilerbadstrasse 6
6062 Wilen

Phone: +41 41 662 70 70

Art Nouveau Hotel Paxmontana

Can silence be overrated? Hardly. But it is increasingly hard to find. Unless you go to the pilgrimage site of Flüeli-Ranft. And check into the art nouveau hotel there. Ideal conditions for events are not only found here in the tranquillity.

Built in 1896 and named "Historic Hotel of the Year" in 2014, the hotel is reached via a unique arcade that resembles an avenue. The façade with its towers is enchanting even from afar. But it is only once you are inside this alpine gem that you are fully immersed in the historical ambience. At the latest when you walk across the walnut-fringed beech parquet floors, are captivated by a neo-Renaissance painting or discover the gold leaf ceiling stuccowork, you know that the event has been a success.

Hotel room

  • 82 rooms and 1 tower suite in the Art Nouveau hotel
  • 16 rooms in the guesthouse & chalet

7 classic seminar rooms and 1 historic hall 26m² to 200m²
for events from 2 to 300 people

  • Architektonisches Juwel erbaut 1896, zwischen 2009 und 2011 komplett restauriert
  • «Historisches Hotel des Jahres» im Jahr 2014
  • Wirkungsstätte Niklaus von der Flüe «Heiliger Bruder Klaus»

Art Nouveau Hotel Paxmontana
Dossen 1
6073 Flüeli-Ranft

Phone: +41 41 666 24 00

Pilatus Kulm Hotels

Do we know where inspiration comes from? At Pilatus, we have thought about this in detail and integrated the results into our seminar offerings so that you can surpass yourself at 2,132 meters above sea level.

In the traditional Pilatus Kulm Hotels, or more precisely in the Pilatus Business Center, special requirements are also met. The Gipfelsaal, Dragon Forum and Mythen Foyer, high above Lake Lucerne and possibly the Sea of Fog, provide the perfect setting for events of all kinds. This unique location, which can be reached by the steepest cogwheel railroad in the world, with its fresh mountain air, is predestined for developing clear thoughts that give rise to extraordinary ideas. The only misconception is that insights and views do not compete here.

Hotel room

  • 20 Standard double rooms
  • 27 Superior double room
  • 3 Junior Suites

10 function rooms from 38m² to 227m²
for events from 6 to 160 people

  • Steilste Zahnradbahn der Welt mit 48% Steigung
  • Einmalige Kulisse mit Weitblick auf 2132 m ü. M.
  • Historischer Queen Victoria Saal

Pilatus Kulm Hotels

Phone: +41 41 329 12 15

Tailormade Hotel KRONE Sarnen

Isn't that what Mark Twain said about seminars? The thunder is good and impressive, but the lightning does the work. "The flash of inspiration", we would say in Sarnen.

Sudden ideas of the witty kind are supported here with ingenious lighting ideas. The lights in all seven seminar rooms can be color-coordinated to suit your individual concept. In the former bowling alley, daylight enters the long room through elliptical windows and in the "freeheit", the multifunctional club in the basement of the building, the disco ball and the lighting system ensure that good thoughts find a reflective surface.

Hotel room

  • 58 rooms
  • 3 junior suites

7 modern seminar rooms from 28 m² to 370 m²
for events for up to 350 people

  • Kronensaal – multifunktional, ebenerdig, unterteilbar
  • Gemütliche Sonnenterrasse zum Verweilen und Geniessen
  • Wellnessanlage mit Caldarium, Sauna, Soledampfbad, Erlebnisduschen, Kneippecke und Ruheraum

Tailormade Hotel KRONE Sarnen
Brünigstrasse 130
6060 Sarnen

Phone: +41 41 666 09 09

Hotel Kreuz by b_smart

How do you celebrate the Swiss experience properly? The geographical answer is simple: in the center of the country. And in terms of content, the answer is also obvious: you book one of the oldest houses in the nation - the Farbhaus, which belongs to the Hotel Kreuz and was built around 1270.

So now you sit in historic rooms - optionally supplemented by rooms in the main building - and, inspired by the spirit of great ideas from the glorious history of original Switzerland, develop new and sustainable ideas and concepts for the future. Only interrupted by the regional culinary offerings of this family business or a short walk to the private hotel park with bathing jetty on nearby Lake Sarnen. In the evening, the end of work is particularly easy when one of the cultural events for which the hotel is renowned in the region is on the program.

Hotel room

  • 22 rooms
  • 5 junior suites & suites

5 seminar rooms 26m2 to 135m2
for events for up to 120 people

  • Farbhaus, erbaut um 1270
  • privater Hotelpark mit Badesteg am nahen Sarnersee
  • smartes Seminarkonzept
  • 24h Check-in

Kreuz by b_smart Sachseln
Bruder-Klausen-Weg 1
6072 Sachseln

Phone: +41 41 660 53 00


Floating is the ideal start to mental work. Six minutes of this state precede meetings and other top-heavy events on the Turren - that's how long the ascent on the orange panoramic cable car takes.

The center of the seminar activities at 1ʼ562 m above sea level is the Turrenhuis, which was only awarded the "excellent" seal of approval as a conference location in 2021 as part of the Swiss Location Award. The highlight of every meeting here - in addition to the personal service - is the view of the impressive mountain panorama and the emerald-green Lake Lungern, which reliably ensures "ahs", "oohs" and photos on the terrace for colleagues who have stayed behind in the office. Floating not only clears the mind - it also creates the vision that no company or organization can do without these days.

Hotel room

  • 22 spacious studios and junior suites with kitchenette

3 seminar rooms from 42 m² to 65 m²
for events for up to 25 people

  • In 6 Minuten mit der Luftseilbahn von Lungern nach Turren
  • Wander- und Schneeschuhparadies
  • Fernab von Hektik und Lärm

Wichelstrasse 2
6078 Lungern

Phone: +41 41 679 01 13

Frutt Mountain Resort

At an altitude of 1,920 meters, amidst the impressive mountain scenery of Melchsee-Frutt, a first-class event location opens up: the Frutt Mountain Resort. Here, alpine tranquillity, a luxurious ambience and outstanding hospitality combine to create an incomparable experience.

Far away from everyday life, there is room for inspiration and new perspectives. The light-flooded and elegantly designed event rooms offer the ideal setting - whether for inspiring meetings, productive seminars or private celebrations. State-of-the-art technology ensures that every event runs smoothly.

Your event will be rounded off with culinary variety in one of the hotel's own restaurants, ranging from regional specialties to international cuisine. And if you are looking for even more experiences, immerse yourself in nature - whether on hikes in summer or on perfectly groomed ski slopes in winter.

The Frutt Mountain Resort is one of the leading event locations in Switzerland and has already won several awards. It is a place that impresses with its special atmosphere and high-quality services - perfect for unique moments that will be remembered.

The team at Frutt Mountain Resort will be happy to advise you personally and will do everything possible to make your event a success.

Hotel room

  • 114 rooms and suites

5 seminar rooms from 35m² to 150m²
for events for up to 250 people

  • Inspirierende Atmosphäre auf 1'920 m ü. M.
  • Direkter Zugang auf Wanderwege im Sommer und Skipiste im Winter
  • Hochmoderne Seminarräume mit Tageslicht und stilvollem Design

Frutt Mountain Resort managed by Kempinski
Frutt 9
6068 Melchsee-Frutt

Phone: +41 41 66979 79